Originally Posted by MexicanOnABike
ever had a situation when the person wasn't clean and you were too grossed out to do the massage? either not clean by dirt or by too much hair or bad BO etc...
Not yet. The closest so far was when a client was prone, and they hadn't wiped quite well enough, and there was a slight fecal smell. It's good to have peppermint foot massage cream handy in a situation like this; a little dab under my nose, and I can't smell anything else.
Originally Posted by stevie667
Hi there, i have a couple of questions about self massage.
I tend to get muscle tightness and burning in my right lattisimus and trapezius, often for no reason. Generally massaging does help, but it takes forever most likely because i'm doing it wrong.
Is there a 'proper' or more effective way for me to sort these problems out when they emerge?
This is not an easy area to self-massage. There are some tools available (such as the
You would be better served to figure out what brings on the pain. Sleeping position? Bad mouse/keyboard setup? Overexercising?