Yeah, but I've killed zombies before. I know these things.
Thin blade isn't enough, bro. A bread knife is a shitty anti-zombie choice. What I should have continued with is: Sharp
or heavy. The key to success is getting weight behind the business portion of the weapon... whether its the projectile size/weight (as in an AK round) or a bolo or khurk as far as cutting weapons...
The standard straight machete, due to lack of weight, needs to be sharp. You won't get enough momentum from a barely 2 lb machete.
Weapons like khurks or bolos don't have to be
as sharp because they have more weight... blunt force trauma combined with the minimal cross section contact ensure cleavage of won't-stay-dead limbs.
Think: Claymore. Those swords weren't particularly sharp, but had a lot of mass behind them.
Originally Posted by squeeeb
i would say the best weapon would be a SUV with a brush guard on the front...
Haha! In this case... I got a great picture to show you sometime, bro.