Originally Posted by shesus
On another note there is the gangster mentality that is portrayed by the media. I'm not sure if it spawned from society or from the media, but it is definitely in the media now and acting as role models for inner city kids at least. It promotes the use of weapons, drugs, and a lack of education. The women are to find baby daddies. It's tough to explain that is not a positive way to live because they are not only seeing it, but living it.
This could almost be another thread, but we're on the same page here. I'm not sure who "spawned" it either. But it was most definately the media that glorified it, and made it acceptable. And it's not just the inner city kids. I see a lot of white suburban "Gangstas". Granted...the suburban wannabes aren't really "living" it, they're only emulating it, but it's still part of the overall glorification. I find it all very pathetic. But...I'm old.
Jeff Foxworthy said it best; "If you're mother still drives you to school, you ain't no "Gangsta". Pull up your pants."