Do celebrities have social responsibility?
After watching a couple of minutes of some 16-year-old-pandering-suckass show about the skinniest celebrity toaster or body or dograt, it got me thinking about whether celebrities have a social responsibility in their actions.
We all see these starlets (yes, you, linsey lohan) going out when they have lots of money, getting trashed on the columbian marching powder and suddenly dropping lots of weight, because skinny is hot, right?
Do these skinny celebrities have a role mondel responsibility to young girls not to become so thin one can play music on their ribs? Or are they just simply victims of the latest 'fashion'?
Should famous people really act in a way to be role model and example setters to the masses, or should they be allowed to do what they want, because it's the media that is brining every facet of their lives to the open, not them? On that point, does the media have a right to broadcast every little nitty gritty bit?
On another note, do those with wealth have a responsibility to be charitable philanthropists (we're talking the 'i have so much money i can buy hundreds of dograts' rich), or are they allowed to be stingy old gits without any complaint from the masses.
Personally i think that celebrities who have a particular audience who are known to be vulnerable do have a social responsibility as role models. We all know how impressionable young girls are, i do believe that those who act/operate in a way to become idols should be required to at least try to operate in a sensible way.
Of course the media is partially to blame, people were going out and gettering battered ever since someone invented boozahol, but bringing live updates about what your favourite person is doing 24/7 is not good if your liable to copy them and their dograt.
Philanthropy is something that i believe is morally required with wealth, you don't have to be some sudanese-hugging global warrior person, but a little bit of charity helps.
What is everyone elses opinions?
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Last edited by stevie667; 08-30-2007 at 03:06 AM..