Originally Posted by filtherton
Well, it's nice when things are that cut and dry, but not all criminals are actually scumbag criminals, some are just good people making honest mistakes, some have families who might be better off with a criminal for a parent than a convict for a parent. Life isn't like t.v., it's a lot messier.
Well, no - anyone breaking into a house, to use the original analogy, is a scumbag criminal. Scumbag, bad person, not getting into heaven, pick your description. There's no shades of grey here. Someone takes a deliberate action they know to be seriously illegal and which will (if they successful) inflict significant harm on someone else.
Originally Posted by filtherton
But you admit that your definition is completely arbitrary, right? In some states, stealing a candy bar could get you serious jail time, if it happens to be your third strike; do you call the cops on candy bar thieves? How can you even begin to try and claim absolute moral authority here?
It's not arbitrary at all - I do not know the laws in the US, but in Canada we have summary and indictable offenses. Summary offences are typically things you would get a fine for or perhaps a few months in prison. Indictable offences get you years in jail and are also crimes for which citizens are entitled to make arrests. So, when I speak of "serious" I refer to indictable offences. I know the laws of my country and my "arbitrary" line is anything but. The laws of the US are of no concern to me unless I'm in that country on business or otherwise.