Thanks roachboy, that's really helpful input. I often worry that I force my interpretation of a vision too much, over-stating my explanation. At the same time, I find that when I read or watch a creative work, my favorite and most memorable points are often when the writer comes right out and states his own interpretation of his writing. (Several anime-style moments come to mind.) I feel I have probably tried too hard to make moments like these happen, like baking a cake with a triple dose of sugar. I appreciate the advice and I'll work towards a better balance.
On to the next one. Let's stick with an elemental theme. Why not?
My bare feet hit against the cool rich soil beneath them. Moisture covers them, making the dirt stick to them. When I rub my feet together, I can feel the dirt rolling between them, like a thousand poorly shaped wheels rolling. I drop to my knees and dig my hands in the dirt as well. The feeling calms something deep inside me, and for a moment I feel as though I too am the dirt. Sight leaves me such that all that is left is feel, or sound, they seem so much the same now. It is as though the life of all the world moves within me as it moves above me. Their frequencies, each identical yet molding together, move through my very being. As I move deeper, pressure builds more, and those frequencies drift far away. However, I become strong. This pressure causes me to form my own identity. The passage of time becomes foreign to me as this process occurs. There is no longer anything else to measure myself against, and so there is no longer time. All I know is my change. I become hard, firm, strong, even hot. Might pulses through me, and it is as though nothing can move me. Yet, it is as though I am liquid. Flowing ever so calmly, yet unwavering, a tide of sheer will. I sense another, coming towards me. It will not falter, and nor will I. Our crash is explosive, yet silent. We tear up through the earth above us, and as the delicate soil is pushed aside, I remember for a moment what it was like when that was me.
Maybe the answer is in the very light reflected off our blades. Maybe that's what it means to be this creature known as samurai.
Last edited by Yukimura; 09-01-2007 at 06:24 PM..