Originally Posted by dc_dux
will...its absolutely a personal philosophical and moral question. There is no scientific or medical consensus that a sentient human life begins at conception or fertilization or incubation.
The only reason there is no consensus is the same reason that religion is listed as an exception to delusion in the DSM IV, it's science giving in to faith. The reality is really, really simple. Sperm and egg are not alive because they are not of a species that can:
Originally Posted by Willravel, the thinker?
achieve homeostasis, can metabolize, can grow, can adapt, can respond to stimuli, and can reproduce.
The fetus is human. That's the only statement necessary in the whole debate. The fetus is human, and is therefore a member of a species that can
Originally Posted by Willravel, the wise?
achieve homeostasis, can metabolize, can grow, can adapt, can respond to stimuli, and can reproduce.
And I realize I just lumped in pro life with religion. That's how I roll.