Originally Posted by ubertuber
I still think you need to be careful, because childbirth involves a bunch of hormonal changes to prepare the body for the trauma of labor.
Isn't this one of those better safe than sorry scenarios? If I was a girl, I really wouldn't want to break my vagina!
well, firstly... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! at "wouldn't want to break my vagina" thats awesome!
i guess you body does prepare itself for childbirth but yeah... i dunno hey.
safe than sorry though? not too sure either. i mean, have their been any stats of women "breaking their vaginas" because of fisting?
i can remember once in high school, this girl she was a real slut and she was scewing one of the teachers and he came back one day, bragging to the woodwork boys about how last night he lost a watch in some chick
anyways, i think that maybe if done without the slightest precaution , it could most definately break ones vagina, lol, (i'm never going to get over that one ) but yeah if excercised with EVERY precaution, i dont see the problem?
ubertuber, thanks for just making my day...
wouldnt want to break my vagina ... LOL
/me sighs, stomach hurting from all the laughter