oooh boy... i couldnt resist this one
I am pro life. you made it, wanted or not, its living. I think you should deal with it. weather its soul comes now or later, or it can live outside its mother or not I dont care. weather you were all over your boyfriend/husband and fucked him silly or some guy dragged you into an alley and forced himself on you. its there. keep it, give it up, it's choice of the parent/parents. but its a baby in there as far as I'm concerned.
***************************B U T **************************
What I think and I believe and how I act is no one's business unless it hurts or affects them. What someone else believes or does with their body and its issue or potential issue is NONE OF MY BUSINESS. I don't have to like it, I don't have to approve. Pro Lifers - get out your bibles or what have you and READ - Right or wrong - we have one thing NO ONE should be able to take away from us. FREE WILL. You do not and should not control me, Nor should I you when it concerns the one thing in life that is our own to control. our own body.
Last edited by Midnight; 08-29-2007 at 01:10 AM..