To me, this is an easy one. you want her to let you watch porn? Don't lie.
Tell her quite simply -"I am away from you. I AM going to need to get off. I would LOVE for it to be with you. Simple fact, you are NOT here. I think that sitting in my hotel room watching porn is acceptable. Would you honestly prefer that I go out and find a different girl night after night to take care of the fact that I would like to get off, or would you like me to be in my room, missing you, wanting you, and getting off alone while some porn is on, and I'm thinking - oh shit - i cant wait to get home and do this/try that with *girlfriends name*. Yeah hun, I DO watch porn when I'm on the road. because I love you enough not to be out screwing some nameless bimbo. Some of the other guys don't give their women that courtesy. If you have issues with me watching other couples on video - no problem. Let's set up a camera and tape US. Then I am going to be watching US, and that to me, sounds like something we could both enjoy"
Good luck hun. we women are hard nuts to crack on the porn issue if we "don't like it."