Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
"Good paying" jobs, that kept people ensconced in the middle class, are quickly eroding.
People have been saying that for the past 6 years at least. Is there any evidence to support this claim?
Our economy evolves, in the 90's IT jobs were the big trend, in the 80's it was MBA's, early in the '00 it was contracting or trades, after WWII through the 70's it was industrial blue collar jobs. My guess is that the next big trend will be in service industries including the medical field. Good people and people with the training will command high wages. People unwilling to adapt the the market changes will suffer. Imagine - a factory worker in the 70's who worked and got his MBA in the 80's, and then started an IT firm in the 90's, and then became a real estate developer early in the '00's, compared to the factory worker who did nothing but collect unemployment. The second guy is complaining about how manufacturing jobs have gone overseas and the first guy goes overseas to get $600 facials.