Dating your long time best friend?
I'm in love with my best friend, the girl that knows me better than anyone else, that I can tell anything to. We share each others' absolute trust. We are completely honest with each other, which is amazing, but hard and challenging at the same time.
We both agree that we want to stay "best friends forever" (God, I feel lame and sophomoric for typing that.) and she feels that if we do start dating, we'll have to be, in the long run, ready to get married and spend the rest of our lives together. She doesn't think she's "good enough" for me, and that, because of my limited dating experience, I only want to be with her because she's something familar. She feels like I'll drift away if we get too close. Ultimately, we aren't dating because we don't want to break up.
I've never had a serious relationship, but I can't date other girls. My heart's just not in it.
This weekend, we'll see each other again and probably end up having another heart-to-heart. I'm going to try my best to sort everything out.
So what does the collective wisdom of TF think? Can two long time best friends sucessfully date? Can they remain friends if they break up? Should I wait and date other people when, in the back of my mind, I love her?