Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
You might deem it superficial but people are superficial beings. We like to believe ourselves above such pettiness, but it's in our nature.
Or are you saying that, as a women, you've never asked a guy to trim himself for you?
Nope, have never asked a guy to trim himself. Then again, only been with two guys where it really mattered... the one guy shaved regularly to make his dick and balls look bigger (which I thought was pretty arrogant and gross, actually), and the other guy I married... and he trims as a matter of course, not because of anything I've said. If he didn't trim, would I care? Well, in terms of going down on him, it might make it slightly more difficult (getting long hair caught in my teeth), but otherwise I wouldn't care. As long as he washed regularly and kept it clean, why should I ever hold something like that against someone I loved?
The thing is, I don't really care about hair preferences (or penis shape/size/length, as long as we're discussing superficial things). What I am trying to understand is why ANYONE would compare a vagina (not the hair, but the actual body part) to an ape's nose or a catcher's mitt, in a public forum. That's just unkind and unhelpful.