I think I personally agree with roach. I know some police as people (two people who used to work at my place, and one I went to school with) and I liked them all as people - but in a general sense I do see police as my enemy and as being an enemy of society: that is being the armed forces of the state and capital against the people.
And I appreciate, if you join the military, for whatever reason - your job is to obey orders whatever you feel about it... but as a corporation I see police as a force who exists to, yes, maintain basic security in area's where it is necessary for business to carry on working for that be in place, but basically a force of violence on the side of exploitation.
I am not a thief, but to me talking to police is ingrained in me as something I dont do, to the point it isnt even rational. Like at school.. you dont talk to teachers. I was never really bullied at school, but there were times when I was picked on unfairly, and I always handled that myself - and Im not a hard man and Im not saying I won every fight Ive ever been in or anything - but if someone violates me in any way I would deal with them personally before I would snitch or grass. And that feeling just got stronger for me as I got older and into the real world.
And I extend that now, that I just will stay out of things that dont involve me, and handle my own shit. The same as at school - if someone is being bullied and I feel its out of order I might get involved and I might not - it depends on a lot of things.
There is stuff - and I say again that I count rape, child abuse, and violent attacks or murder of a woman as the worst things - that I would put aside any other moral objection I had with regard to. In each of these cases, natural justice may be a better way of dealing with things - such as if a girl is raped, and the brother of the girl kills the rapist - OBV no one is gonna care that much the rapist is dead... but the state is the strongest power in any place, and sometimes it requires their power to bring about justice.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas