MMmmm... I'm feeling rather lucky to be me at the moment.
I had insanely irregular and heavy (almost to the point of hemoraging ) periods until after I had my daughter (the irregular periods were one of the reasons that I ended up getting pregnant actually) After she was born, they have been regular to the point of hour of the day, and far far lighter than they were before having her. But this bloating and cramping and backache you all talk about I've never dealt with.
My sister on the other hand had the irregularity and heavy flow, but with every nasty symptom you all talk about. I actually rang her ( much to her dismay ) after reading this earlier this evening, to ask her how she copes because I remember her missing a LOT of school after she started having periods because of all of it.
She said to tell you all that yoga helped (as someone mentioned trying) and along the same vein as the "hot and cold foods" mentioned in one post - she says she seems to have far less problems when she schedules eating the spiciest mexican food she can get her hands on in the two or three days before her period. I have NO CLUE if that would help at all - but I felt so bad for not having this problem that I wanted to try and help.
Best wishes to those of you suffering here.