This reminds me of the behavior of large groups of animals in the wild... watching a massive flock of birds whirl and twirl simultaneously above me, their silent communication completely beyond my perception/understanding. I am sure they don't even know how they do it... it just happens. Same with schools of fish and other groups of organisms that signal each other instantaneously, and the whole group is able to change direction quickly. I don't know if that's what you were referring to, but it came to mind.
it is interesting. i suspect that there are other explanations for this from other schools of biology/zoology that focus more on the object aspects of bio-systems--but these approaches seem partial in that they are about a particular time-frame. the cds approach is more about biological systems as they unfold temporally and the older approaches about the physical (the simultaneously present)--they're both interesting, but one shouldnt exclude the other. but it is strange what happens to how you think about the world, about people and other such, when you start incorporating process or time into it. its not that the physical dissolves--not at all--but it spreads out in a curious way. so you get bumped into problems of language as a way of representing the world performing operations that are not symmetrical with what you are trying to represent. and its not a mystical thing: its about goofy basic stuff like:
if you say:
"i think x"
it implies a process, but doesnt stage a process. it stages the i as discrete, as reduced to its physical mode of being alone (or its "spirit" double, which is really just an inversion of the physical mode of being)---the action of thinking, which is an action in the way that putting on a coat is--and an object or predicate that is outside the i, and which gives direction to the action (the verb).
well, if the "i" is more accurately understood as a phase-state--as a phase-state processed through grammar....and if you want to capture something of the "i" as an element that emerges and collapses back into process (well, processes)..then how do you go about it?
this is the pathway to madness i play around with in my 3-d life.
it gets complicated really quick.