Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Agreed that is the purpose of naturalization. You are born of Icelandic heritage directly, unlike West Icelanders those that emigrated out to Canada and have been there for many generations. While their roots are Icelandic, they don't contribute to the Icelandic taxation and social systems. It makes sense of course to not care for those that don't contribute for a period of time.
Again, though these "costs" are off set in some manner by the fish stocks that each "original" Icelander "owns".
The Icelandic news I get here of course is extremely filtered and the only direct conversations I have are of course limited to my small pool of friends. I do know that even the Unions don't have enough resources to benefit all their workers. It has been suggested to me several times to purchase a summer house and rent it out to the Union who in turn gives it out to their members.
I must admit that I have not heard about these common fish stocks. I know there are set quotas for each fishery/boat/region in Iceland, and these can be traded around the island and sold off to corporations if wanted... and they diminish each year, as the cod stocks diminish and the environmental ministry tries to protect them from depletion. But I am not sure how that is related to health care and benefits?
As far as I know, the "costs" of providing benefits to residents and citizens comes straight from our own pockets... that 40% income tax and 25% sales tax, among many other costs ($7.50/gallon for gas, yippee!). At least, I HOPE that money is going into the health care/education system, otherwise I'm going to be very upset!