Originally Posted by Ilow
I think it is more of a reaction to the ridiculous merkin-esque pubic afros of the 70's and 80's. Check out this link if you wonder what I am referring to
I'm really glad someone else knows what a merkin is- quite possibly the funniest personal adornment ever.
BTW, most men are very merkin-esque if they don't trim. I could make a comment about how we should all be natural, but I'm not a fan of the ZZ top beard, so I'll stfu about that.
Hair growth and removal is basically a fashion trend. I predict that in ten years, hair down there will be back in fashion. I mean, remember Burt Reynolds? (ok, I was too young to REALLY remember) Now MEN are getting waxed.
Sorry to derail this perfectly fine thread about vaginas into a hair/no hair sinkhole.
Most women place much of their self-image/esteem based upon how their physical attractiveness matches up with an ideal, whatever that ideal is for that generation. With good reason, we've been judged on these parameters since before farming happened probably, and it's not going away. Most women just want acceptance, they want to know that it's ok to be themselves. Isn't that what everyone wants?
I'm glad to hear vaginas of all stripes make most of you happy!