Originally Posted by Racnad
So exactly is it that makes a guy creepy? How did he hint that he was being "more serious" while you were playing around?
I think everyone has a different interpretation of creepy.
But this guy had absolutely no communication skills. And his social life existed only on Everquest, actually, when he wasn't at work, he was playing Everquest. He doesn't really get out much or talk to people face to face very often.
When I'd flirt it was just for shits and giggles and to try and get a bit of rise. She knew this, and she'd dish it back to me. We used to talk a lot because we had similar tastes in music and just got along.
She did not really know where logistics guy was coming from, nor did she really like him (He was very abrasive a lot of the time). So when he made certain comments, she'd take it differently. But, the tone and the way he said it was completely different to me. This is where the element of context comes into it.
This instance was not a matter of looks or attraction either. The receptionist had a long term boyfriend and a child. And lets be honest, I ain't the best looking bloke around.
Originally Posted by mixedmedia
You seem to have real appearance issues.
Who was that directed at?