Originally Posted by Push-Pull
I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in Tilted Politics, but here it is.....
On one hand, I can see WHY the feds would do this, but on the other, I think it's a bit unrealistic to assume that ALL the names and identities can be established. And what about web sites that feature amateurs? How do you keep up with all that?
So here's the question, is this just yet another way for the gubment to keep certain parts of society in check, and what will the end result be for the porn industry and it's end users?
The reason for doing that is because it WOULD be unrealistic. The way governments try to close businesses they just can't outlaw is to create restrictions & requirements that are either impossible to meet or make it impossible for the business to earn a profit. An example would be strip clubs. A city can say, yes you can open a strip club, but it has to be more than 1000 feet from any school, park or church. But when you look at a map, there may be no place in the city that is more than 1000 feet from any school, park or church.
As for the effectiveness, more porn would be on off-shore servers, where the law is unenforceable. Unfortunately, if the server is in a location where laws against child porn are not enforced, there's nothing to stop them from adding links or promoting CP from non-CP sites Americans would be looking at.