I don't really trust the NY Post to correctly identify anything, so I'm checking elsewhere.
My first choice for this sort of info is Fleshbot.
The New York Post must not pay much attention to the porn industry since they've apparently never heard of 2257 regulations or any pornstars who have actually performed on camera in the last five years. Maybe a massive government database would actually help them learn some new names.
So, perhaps this is just the same old 2257 stuff?
OK, let's try Violet Blue:
The Adam Walsh Child Safety Act was brought to us courtesy of former Rep. Mark Foley, who resigned after getting caught for (estimated, alleged, one actual, an apparently well-known) ten years' worth of sexual misconduct with Congressional pages. And we all know how well harassing adult porn performers and legitimate, law-abiding porn producers works to curb all those law-abiding child porn makers. Anyone else seriously freaked out by the government making lists of citizens based on their profession, or sexual choices?
Again, no evidence that this is something new.
The Library of Congress (THOMAS), I can't find anything currently proposed aside from something having to do with Indian reservation voting dates.
I therefore consider this to be alarmist bullshit from the Post. Please feel free to cite something different, I'm all ears.