Originally Posted by MexicanOnABike
but it will always matter who the person is. If he's creepy, it will be taken as a weird and possibly scary thing but if the person is good looking and has a big smile, then it will be taken nicely. it's retarded that way.
Hehehe, I don't think it's retarded. It's just how it is. The creepy guy puts people off.
I once worked in an office where I could get a way with making flirtatious remarks to the girl on reception. Yet, if the creepy guy in logistics made the same remarks she would slap him down over it. I think the difference is context however. She new I was only mucking around, where is the way creepy guy said it hinted that he was being a bit more serious.
I've seen a lot of things go down in the workplace that were clear cut cases of sexual harassment and the women were thick skinned about it and dealt with it on their own terms. I've also seen some women totally over react to something was perfectly innocent.
But I think the distinction between 'sexual harassment' and just plain old 'harassment' should be made clearer.
I feel sorry for the majority of 'creepy' guys, I honestly don't think they mean any malice or ill intent, they're just shy and awkward. Having said that though some really are just a whole world of creepy and wrong.