1. I'm an excellent cook.
2. I'm told I write well.
3. Children love me. (go figure - i hate most kids!)
4. When I actually stop to sleep, I can be asleep within seconds, and sleep
anywhere under all sorts of un-sleepable-in conditions.
5. I'm 34 and have little enough gray that people that know my age keep
asking me what color hair dye I use..
6. I have the kind of eyes that when i take off my glasses while someone is
talking to me, they stop dead and go "WOW" and forget what they were
talking about.
7. I finish what I start.
8. I have an incredibly strong work ethic.
9. I'm a secure enough person to have gone to work for the father of the
woman my daughter's father cheated on me with (and ended up marrying)
because he desperately needed help (and she couldn't be bothered)
10. I'm accepting enough of life and its many intricacies to just be glad to
WAKE UP in the morning and still be here, and everything else is a bonus.