do what The Jazz said, make a list of all expenditures and figure where the money is going. when you see how much you spend on starbucks and eating out, you might think about making your own lunches.
one thing you can do is, every paycheck, automatically put a certain amount, maybe 10%, or $100, or whatever, away in an interest bearing savings account and DO NOT TOUCH IT. slowly build up a chunk of money that you can then use to make more money, either through investments or what have you. also, when your car breaks or you need to go to the hospital, you have the money there and don't have to get into more debt.
as for the credit cards, pay them off every month. if you carry a balance on them, the interest will grow and you will never get out of the debt hole.
you can live quite comfortably (depending on location of course) with 50-60k.
onward to mayhem!