Originally Posted by dc_dux
Most people could care less about econometric measures. They judge the economy by their pocketbook and the judgment is generally that they are not better off then they were 4 or 8 years ago.
Agreed 100% The only economic indicators that I care about is the steady rise in the price of a gallon of milk vs. the stagnation of my wages.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
By what measure do you and others define "better off" or worse off?
For me, at least, it's the fact that I have to work longer to buy the same goods. As the cost of living goes up, my income does not. This reduces the amount of "disposable" income, and savings. Also, my retirement savings (ie, my 401K) is no longer producing at the rate that it once was. That means that my retirement may have to be postponed. These are just a couple of "Average Joe" economic indicators.