Ahhh, how time changes things, and maybe not always for the better. There are a lot of real interesting old ideas above that bring back memories. As a twist on these ideas, I enjoy relating old/obsolete concepts to my kids so they can think about what is vs what was, and why. So I'm doing my small part to keep the "old flames" alive, especially since my two boys, 11 & 12yo, are interested enough in cars to pay attention to what I do:
- so they know that the high octane racegas I use for my "fun" car is always leaded, but the gas we use in our other cars is not; and they know why.
- they know that bias ply Mickey Thompson ET Streets (drag racing tires) are much better for launching quickly without wheel-hop vs. BFG Drag Radials which can launch pretty good too but are susceptible to wheel hop on cars with IRS.
- just a couple days ago I was showing them details of a new Lingenfelter twin turbo Corvette which comes with an optional "mini tub" from the factory to allow wider rear tires. They also see plenty of old muscle cars of the "pro street" variety so they know a rear tub when they see it.
- they know that one of our cars has a limited slip differential aka Posi and how it helps traction.
- during a recent visit to the local drag strip they pointed out and asked about the hood and cowl mounted gauges they saw on some cars.
- since my younger son likes to take things apart, though it has little practical value as functional hardware other than learning how to take something apart and put it back together, he got a big kick out of a present I gave him a couple months ago, an old Carter AFB 4-barrel carb for his dissection pleasure. He's already asked how it works.
- when I roadrace my sports car, my kids know why I use a CG-Lock device on the seat belt, which prevents it from retracting so it stays tight as I pull it no matter what.
- a few months ago they helped me push start my sports car when the battery died, luckily our street is slightly downhill. Then we talked about how and why that works.
- when they asked me how many cars I've owned and what kind, one of them was a VW 412 which had a gasoline heater; they got a kick out of the concept.