Originally Posted by johnyto
I have asked myself that forever (well, since i know and practiced masturbation). Anyways, do you from your religious background or tendency (if any) feel like if your God is seeing you as a siner for masturbating, or is it normal == part of human pleasure or just a normal thing for us in this world? In conclusion, i am catholic and sometimes when i hear what the priest says about sins, i ask myself that every time  . Let me know if i need to like just leave it as is and not feel guilty about masturbating when i don't have my g/f with me (meaning you know...). Thanks.
Well, most Christian-based religions say that 'yes,' it is a sin. Besides that, if you are a believer, then you would be conscious of the "fact" (a "fact," if you believe in it), that those up in heaven can see everything you do. So, there's also the embarassment factor...