Originally Posted by dc_dux
It was not a personal attack, but simply an observation that your attempt to frame the issue in terms of the US only is absurd IMO, and only a means of avoiding the broader issue of GLOBAL warming, of which, the US, as the largest industrial nation, is a contributor.
My alleged attempt to frame the issue in terms of the US only was nothing but an after thought, a P.S. added after my original post based on a chart you provided concerning US temperature changes. Then I simply asked for someone to address the question without any editorial comment added on my part. My question is fair. You call me closed minded, perhaps you should look in a mirror.
You don't like exchanges with me, at one point you stated you would ignore my posts, in this thread at one point you wrote to me that we would leave it at that. What is your problem with following through on your word? If you want a pissing contest, pick someone else, I am not interested.