Originally Posted by essendoubleop
Cmon now that was a funny video, and I like dogs.
I agree with jorgelito. While I don't think race entirely decided this, it exacerbated it. If Peyton Manning or Steve Nash did this, they'd get a slap on the wrist at worst. There would be Karl Rovian levels of PR and spin control, you would stop hearing about it in the news and on tv, Manning and Nash would be sat down in front of the worlds media to give public apologies, and each would become co-chairs and Lifetime VIP "contributing members" at PETA and other animal welfare organizations. That Vick is facing jailtime is beyond ludicrous.
The heads of major sport in America are cracking down more and more on the thuglife/ganglife mentality. As old white guys, the fact that the biggest, strongest and fastest athletes in the world are black must drive them bonkers from a business perspective.