Originally Posted by JinnKai
In any forum for discussion, whether written or verbal, logical fallacies are thrown around like leaves in the wind. I've always enjoyed the study of fallacies, particularly logical ones. The most commmon on TFP seem to be straw man, non sequitur, false dilemma, ad hominem and of course, appeal to emotion.
So my question to you all is which logical fallacies you hate most, and why. And in the sense of fairness, which fallacies you are most guilty of using.
I personally despite appeals to emotion, becuase I'm not a very emotional person and it makes the argument feel like very overt manipulation. I prefer to keep emotion out of rational discussions, and someone who brings an emotional argument to a reasonable debate immediately loses my respect. I also dislike Ad hominem, but I think that it's only inevitable. It seems the most commonly abused of the fallacies.
I will admit that I'm probably most guilty of using straw man and slippery slope fallacies, as I often (unconciously) connect their decision with what I percieve the long-term ramifications to be (slippery slope) or to something totally unrelated (straw man).
What about you?
So, if a child was dying of cancer and its one wish was for you to accept an emotional appeal, you wouldn't? Wow. I don't even know what to say about that.
Uh, yeah. I'm with you about the emotional appeal. Like you mentioned, it's a manipulation and leads me to believe that the person making the argument doesn't have any confidence in the facts of their case, so they appeal to emotion.
I'm not sure what I find more annoying, though: those who use emotional appeal, or those who fall for it.
For me, I'm probably most guilty of non-sequiturs in an argument. I use it in a very circular way.
And, and...I can't believe filtherton Godwinned this thread by the 3rd post. Nice fucking job.