"God" is what makes you, the individual, happy. God is not the fictional almighty creator depicted by the religions of the world, as previously stated on this thread. The search for that something that you can only describe in any language as being true fulfilment. Feeling 100% happy with every single aspect of what you do, what you are and what you stand for etc... No-one will ever find this. You can come close, but you will never truly break that barrier.
This is the key to our survival. So in essence you can say that God is a component of the survival and exponential growth of mankind. Fabricated within our pysche for the purpose of living and surviving. Without which, there is simply no real purpose other than the base instincts found elsewhere in the Animal Kingdom. Without veering off the topic too much, it does lean heavily towards the fact that we, as humans, have the self aware conscience that sets us apart from animals. Do Animals have such discussions? I think not. But some animals are indeed self aware to some degree, so it does beg the question.
There's a quote by Stephen Fry, which I've ironically seen on this board in someones signature which talks about the bear:
One of the nice things about looking at a bear is that you know it spends 100 per cent of every minute of every day being a bear. It doesn't strive to become a better bear. It doesn't go to sleep thinking, "I wasn't really a very good bear today". They are just 100 per cent bear, whereas human beings feel we're not 100 per cent human, that we're always letting ourselves down. We're constantly striving towards something, to some fulfilment--Stephen Fry
The bear certainly doesn't Ponder the notion of a God. Let alone the idea that said bear is part of the collective energy that could be what is known as God. Human advancement has gotten to the stage where we need to protect creatures like the Bear, and many others from ourselves or hazards due to the by-product of our living. We have such power of them, one could argue that its almost God like. We have the power to make extinct animals that have been around for thousands of years more than we have. Its not even a struggle of power either. It's our recognised advantage. If you stop and think as to how advanced we actually are over animals its almost jaw dropping to think that we have come so far in, most cases, less time than these creatures. Yet they are still at primitive, although highly refined stages of evolution. God is nothing to them. We are the most intelligent creatures on this planet, yet we cannot agree amongst ourselves on the rationale behind the concept of God. I think that speaks for itself.
Yeah I think I'm on the fence on this one....