Short story...
(it's not that i'm hung up on them, but this place is always filled with poetry and the like... I see it as a good change of pace

A diner. A man sits down next to a woman, already seated at the counter. The female is 32, the male is 23. You need not mention it outright, but that's the age of the characters. They are both alone, and strangers. There is a woman tending the counter, taking orders and such.
They do not leave the diner.
Narration can be from the perspective of any person in the diner, or omnipresent/omniscient, but not any of the 3 characters outlined.
The man and woman are only allowed dialog (no inner monologue)... the waitress is only allowed inner monologue (no dialog... and if you go with anything other than omniscient narration, you obviously can't use inner monologue).
The man or woman (not the waitress) must use a pen to write something at some point. Who/what it's for, if we see what they write, etc., is up to you.
Have fun.