Originally Posted by Jetstream
I am not casting it aside, as much as questioning the logic of it.
Surviving is possible anywhere, but when forced to complete tasks that hold no bearing to it, and when no one is allowed to die, well... it is much more about 'occupying' and 'unfamiliarizing'.
I just needed to jot those points down as a reference for myself to question if I should care to participate in it.
If you care to, I have come across syndications in other countries where the term 'Survivor' fits more aptly.
The show is called Survivor because you're not only trying to survive in poor living conditions, also to survive the game. It's more of a game show than a survival show for sure. It's lasted as long as it has because you never know how people will deal with the differing aspects of the game, including being on teams with people you don't like (but have to spend 24/7 with), advancing in the game with/without betraying trust, and, in the end, getting people who you've had a hand in eliminating to vote for you and give you the money.
In 15 seasons, it has rarely disappointed