When I was a wee one, I and/or my brother would accompany my dad on driveabouts to check on the progress of various road projects that the Road Commission was working on.
In the process, we would pass places such as this:
This is the transmitter/tower and auxiliary studio site for Mid-Michigan's ABC station, WJRT (DT/TV). As is typical outside of the big cities, these sites tend to be in the middle of farmers fields out in BFE. (in this case near the village of Chesaning)
The x-mitter/auxiliary studio building, the stations' radome (doppler radar), sat dishes, and on the tower (Stick) itself, a few of the studio transmitter link (STL) receive points.
Further up the stick.
The top of the stick itself (the antennas). The lattice work on the side of the tower at the bottom of the picture is the stations temporary Digital antenna. The small box jutting off of the tower is a Live truck receiver. And at the top is the stations current Analog (and will be main Digital as of 2009) antenna.
I like this picture best of all, the composition of it is dumb luck amazing.