Originally Posted by JumpinJesus
Teachers' unions exist seemingly for the sole purpose of printing gossip rags on administrators. Administrators exist seemingly only for the paycheck - and trust me, principals make a very nice living. Parents exist seemingly for the sole purpose of dumping their kids in school then bitching about everything without doing anything. Teachers exist seemingly to collect a paycheck and take summer vacations. The number of people who care enough and are willing to do something positive are far outnumbered by the types of people I described above.
You and Shesus have the unique advantage of actually having been in the trenches that are the American classroom. That perspective is valuable to this discussion. I can agree, and sympathize, with just about everything that you guys have brought up. I have a daughter that graduated high school in '05. I have a son that is entering kindergarten in 6 days. (I hope that his current enthusiasm can be sustained) My daughter's high school experience was like a bad made for TV movie. She was harrased by the ghetto element for answering questions in class, and "actin' better'n us". She had teachers that were only available from 9:30-3:30. (sorry, a lot of parents work much later than that) I tried to join the PTA, but that was like Pleasantville from Hell. Mary Jane Rottencrotch's mother, Sally, dominating the entire meeting with the upcoming bakesale. (I shit you not) The administrator's could not put her into a niche because she was both "gifted"
and ADHD. The two did not fit into any of their convenient little cubbyholes where they warehouse these kids.
Where are the "good" teachers? They have either retired, or left for "greener" pastures. What idiot, in their right mind, wants to stay in that environment? Where is the incentive? It is, I believe, a wonderful place for lazy ineffective people to spend their lives.
That...is Public Education.
BTW...my son is going into Kindergarten reading at a 3rd grade level, and doing 2nd grade level math workbooks. I know that
all parents have little geniuses. But, this kid truly is a smart little shit. To smart to be thrown into the Public School meatgrinder, and I can't afford private school.