Interesting...... would not have guessed this order, but makes sense.
How did the Belief-O-Matic do? Discuss your results on our message boards.
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Mahayana Buddhism (99%)
3. Jainism (96%)
4. Hinduism (89%)
5. Unitarian Universalism (87%)
6. New Age (86%)
7. Liberal Quakers (83%)
8. Sikhism (80%)
9. Theravada Buddhism (78%)
10. Bahá'í Faith (67%)
11. Reform Judaism (67%)
12. Taoism (66%)
13. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (59%)
14. Orthodox Judaism (56%)
15. Orthodox Quaker (55%)
16. Secular Humanism (55%)
17. New Thought (55%)
18. Scientology (52%)
19. Islam (48%)
20. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (38%)
21. Nontheist (35%)
22. Seventh Day Adventist (32%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (27%)
24. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (27%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (18%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (18%)
27. Roman Catholic (18%)
Originally Posted by GingerRoot
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (93%)
3. Liberal Quakers (92%)
4. Taoism (89%)
5. Mahayana Buddhism (87%)
6. New Age (86%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (15%)
25. Islam (15%)
26. Roman Catholic (15%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (9%)
I wonder if there is some relationship that makes people with more Unitarian Universalism beliefs attracted to this forum?
I think this is a more open forum and people are able to show their beliefs more freely and openly without fear. That right there brings more liberal and intelligent thinking, which in turn brings more open minded religious people.