Public education: do people just not care anymore?
Does it not bother anyone else that people are not only getting dumber, but that no one seems to be doing anything about it or even really care?
Public education: total shit. Utter, complete, and in all ways shit. To say that funding is insufficient is laughable.
It's absolutely ridiculous. Does it not make anyone else mad the way that we have completely dropped the ball on giving kids a fair shot at a future? If you live in the wrong area, your educational standards are way lower than others. You stand a multifold greater risk of dropping out, doing poorly while you are in school, or being exposed to things like gang activity or drugs, and earlier exposure to sex- which you've received piss-poor, if any, education about.
Why is this country allowing itself to be destroyed from the inside? Why does everyone cry "save the children!" but do fuckall about fixing the terrible education most of them are getting? Why is there no public outcry that this "great nation" has a shitty education system?
Do people just not care anymore?