Kill Bill v.1
I've seen it so many times but I just watched it with my gf for the 1st time and she actually liked it!
It's one of those movies where you'll either love it or hate it.
I found the 1st half to be extremely awesome and then the middle was good but as soon as she gets to the hotel and starts to duel with the crazy 88, it gets very long and boring. cutting down the fight in half would have made so much more sense!
I recommend watching this movie if you're a fan of the old fashion movies or anything asian(martial arts or samurai swords). Or if you just want to see a good revenge movie, definitely check this one out. but make sure you keep an open mind. some parts do get very graphic so it's not for kids!! Also don't forget to watch Volume 2 shortly after vol.1 because they go together!
My Overall rating for this movie after more than 5 viewing is still: 9/10