I have come to the conclusion, or rather what makes sense to me, is that everything is "god", or rather, part of the universe.
I think as soon as you use the name "god" people think of a superior being, which immediately separates them from it.
Why do we need a superior being, or rather, why do we need that being to have a concious mind like us?
Even more so, why do we need that being to govern what happens to us when we die, or even while we live?
I believe the universe created us, from the matter, from the energy, from itself.
When we die, we are still part of the universe, but we are no longer concious, as our brain is no longer in use.
I am, personally quite proud to be part of this absolutely beautiful universe, both in this life, and forever after I die.
In this philosophy, science and religion are the same, and nothing to prove.
I think our feelings and emotions are part of our makeup to ensure our survival.
Life, is something that has come about from the universe's constantant changes until it developed an algorithim (for lack of a better word) that keeps itself sustained.
It probably failed many times until it got this algorithim working independantly.
I believe many of the actions we do, we do to ensure our survival, because this is how life needed to exist.
Simply, it exists, because it exists, and we wonder why.
otherwise we wouldn't exist, and we wouldn't wonder why.
I don't accept different religions for different reasons, mainly because they take the power away from the individual.
Buddism, because I believe desire is a wonderful part of life, which we need to survive, simply put, our desire to procreate, to indulge, to believe, to have passion. Why take away what is wonderful?
Christianity for many reasons, mainly because I don't like the separation between god and ourselves.
I prefer the way of thinking that the universe in its completeness is one eg: "uni" "verse" the one thing everywhere.