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Old 08-15-2007, 04:21 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
These kids are so damn spoiled it makes me mad.

Why, I remember as a kid we used to have to dig in the baker's dumpster for our birthday cake and then we had to decorate with the dead rats we killed fighting over it! These kids don't appreciate a damn thing!

We would have to stand outside our relatives' houses and use slate boards and rocks (not even chalk!) to write thank you letters. Not notes - no siree - but letters! For not getting presents!! And we enjoyed it!!! (please pretend my voice is rising in pitch with each sentence)

In fact, if we even said, "Happy Birthday" to anyone on their birthday, we'd get the shit beat out of us and be forced to sleep on a bed of nails that we had to smelt ourselves!

Presents? Bah! We were forced to give everyone else presents and if we complained, we'd have to eat a bag of dirt for dinner that we had to dig up ourselves.

Oh, yeah... and we were glad to have the opportunity for all of that!

There will always be spoiled kids, parents who spoil kids, and people who have shit we don't have or didn't have growing up. And most of these stories are filled with hyperbole, anyway.

Why do we care so much about what others have or do?

No offense, but we're spending way too much time and energy bitching about shit that really isn't all that important.

There have always been spoiled kids - remember the Little Rascals where that one kid had the really neat fire engine go cart and he stuck out his tongue at Spanky because his gang had that really rickety one? - and there will always be spoiled kids. Chances are they won't have to deal with the real world because they'll always be sheltered. If they do have to deal with the real world, then they'll adapt or fail. What else is there for them to do?
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses
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