I Think This Post Is Not Funny And Offensive And I Think Titties Are Offensive Therefore By My Gorrila Logic And Inablity To Not Use All Caps I Think This Post Should Be Moved To The Titty Board
edit: So apparently TFP has a line of code where you can't do all caps. Usefull but it totally ruined my entire joke here.
Meridae'n once played "death" at a game of chess that lasted for over two years. He finally beat death in a best 34 out of 67 match. At that time he could ask for any one thing and he could wish for the hope of all mankind... he looked death right in the eye and said ...
"I would like about three fiddy"
Last edited by BBtB; 08-15-2007 at 01:22 PM..
Reason: ruined joke