Originally Posted by Mister Coaster
Hold up, snowy... The serving sizes were equal, 100 grams, I wouldn't cheat you like that. I obtained the information here http://www.elook.org/nutrition/ I just remember in the bacon topic your lashing out at the nutritional autrocity that is bacon. When comparing bacon to braunschweiger, although braunschweiger is "healthier" it isn't by much. I'm surprised that you give it the thumbs up. Just sayin'.
It's not really a thumbs up--it's as much a thumbs up as I give bacon. I don't eat either much any more, because it's not that I don't want to eat these things, it's that I am physically unable to. If I ate more Braunschweiger than I should have(a couple dabs on some crackers does it for me), I would get horrible acid reflux, same as if I ate too much bacon. So these are both foods I eat with reservations--however, the nutritional benefits (high heme iron content) to women in Braunschweiger can't be denied
There's only one time a month when I really need that heme iron...though I'm just as likely to crave the salty grease of bacon. Then it's almost worth the risk of pain.