I never had a blankie, but I had a series of stuffed animals throughout my life that were *essential* to my well-being as a child.
Then sometime in college a boyfriend gave me a 16" Pat the Bunny doll, and I've been sleeping with him ever since. The bunny, not the boyfriend.
At this point I've determined (due to occasionally leaving Pat in the car after a trip or something), that all I really need is a Pat-sized pillow to hold between my neck and my chest while I sleep, but I have yet to find an appropriate pillow and thus my orthopedic-purpose bunny will suffice.
He's really raggedy though; all his fur fell off and so he's just a soft mesh sack full of dirty stuffing with a nose and greyish ears. But he's my bunny, I love him in a strange yet satisfying way, and that's all there is to it.