i know this is an age-old topic around here...but seriously...i don't see how people give a shit what happens once the funk starts. the compulsion for some chicks who really love to swallow is kind of gross to me. i mean, sometimes its appropriate, but fucking kneeding my dick to get every last drop out is just...not sexy to me.
on a related note, i can't really imagine using condoms or dental dams during oral sex. i can see it for vaginal penetration, but i just don't think it'd be able to get into it with a jimmy on...and i certainly don't want to wallow around in her sniz through saran wrap.
as for the opening idea of it being disrespectful for a woman to let you ejaculate free-style...i don't really see that at all. she just sucked your dick, after all. i mean, that's some pretty strong fucking respect right there. when my balls are slapping a girl in the chin, the last thing i'm thinking is 'why are you dissin' me babe?'
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style