Originally Posted by Toaster126
Women who don't swallow make as much sense to me as men who won't go down on women. You must be pretty selfish to even come up with that one.
Selfish? Are people not entitled to their preferences? For example, I usually swallow; but what if I just could not get it down? It happens... semen isn't exactly the nectar of the gods, y'know. My husband has always been fine with whatever I felt like doing, which always helped me feel more comfortable with trying new things (and eventually being more okay with swallowing). If he had forced the issue or called me "selfish," I would have become even more resistant, due to the pressure.
Also, not liking the taste of cum is not the same as not enjoying giving a BJ. You're comparing two different things: the act (going down) and the result (cum/vaginal fluids). If my husband didn't happen to like the taste of my fluids and preferred to use a dental dam or something like that, but was still willing to go down on me... I'd have no problem with that.
Personal preference (especially in sexuality) is not "selfishness," unless that is the conscious motive behind it. (E.g. "dammit, he never goes down on me, I'm not gonna swallow his fucking cum..." or vice versa, which would signal a relationship on the downhill, to me.) But otherwise, we're all human and all have things we're willing or unwilling to do. As long as that's okay with your partner, then who gives a fuck?