Rove won the battle of getting Bush elected twice, but lost the war of building a permanent Republican majority which was his ultimate goal.
His ego and ignorance of national politics got in the way. He failed to realize that campaigning is not the same as governing.
The dirty, borderline legal tactics he used in campaigning backfired on him once he tried to bring those same tactics into the White House. Starting with his connections to Jack Abramoff, which took out more Republican members of Congress than any recent scandal.
And followed by his fingerprints all over the Plame affair, violations of the Hatch act (with his political Powerpoint presentation at various agencies), violations of the Presidential Records Act and the use of RNC e-mail accounts to hide his political acitons, to the firings of the US attorneys.
He aslo failed to help Bush achieve two of his topic domestic priorities - privatization of Social Security and immigration reform - because he completely misread the sentiments of the country.
He's a great campaign consultant if you dont mind getting in the gutter...beyond that he was a failure by every measure.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 08-13-2007 at 08:13 PM..