You're twisting facts. I'll start from the bottom up. It has nothing to do with trauma, and you're clearly sensationalizing this here to fit your idea (though you don't go right out and say "Opioids are evil!") And no, it's an opioid, not an opiate. Withdrawal occurs for mainly the same reasons between opioids and antidepressants. Dependence is not addiction. There are not medications available without a prescription that are as effective as tramadol (you misread what I meant as including prescriptions). Obviously I need to be on a medication for chronic pain, so I don't know what your solution is. Tylenol? Stop fooling yourself.
If I seem defensive, it's because I find it highly offensive when someone purports what I need for pain management, with no real suggestions, just vaguely saying that I don't need so-and-so. It appears to be a weak criticism of people who need medication for chronic pain, and the popular mentality that all narcotics are evil and have no purpose.
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Last edited by Cyborg Ninja; 08-13-2007 at 02:27 PM..
Reason: Just to add