Originally Posted by samcol
I don't think inflation has much to do with capitalism or socialism really. A house is still a house, and apple is still and apple, no matter what monetary value is attributed to it. My house didn't gain 5% more to it's value, rather the dollar got 5% weaker. I know there are other things that effect prices of goods, but my house is still worth X amount of gold bars despite it's dollar price going up or down.
Yes, but the determining factor for inflation is the market, and under a socialist system, the market can be influenced centrally (instead of having many large corporations, as in most capitalist systems). While a socailist system may not be able to control demand as much (demand pull inflation), cost push can be avoided more easily by a centralized organization. Built in inflation would be the most obvious fix from socialization.
Originally Posted by samcol
I think we've been tricked into believing inflation is some natural occuring phenomenon when it really has more to do with the dollar not being fixed to gold and the Fed printing it at an insane rate.
On the FED we agree totally. No oversight. No rules. It's a very broken part of our system, and it needs to either be replaced by a whole new system or dropped completely.
Originally Posted by samcol
The large gaps in distribution of wealth are achieved by corporations using government to legislate themselves into a larger market share. Think Haliburton, big pharma, big aggra etc. These large contracts and market entry barriers for their competitors can only be achieved when there is a huge tax base to work off that is typical of socialism rather than capitalism.
Don't forget that capitalism brings about more bribery and thus governmental corruption. Imagine if public organizations were in charge of oil. No Iraq war. No constantly fluctuating prices. No corporate assassinations of developers of alternatives. We'd probably be a lot less dependent on oil.