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Old 08-09-2007, 03:32 PM   #2194 (permalink)
Yo dawg, I herd u like...
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Originally Posted by Zeraph
Anyone know the details about the Death Knight? Is it a 1-70 character or paladin only at lvl 80? And WTF? They promised hero classes in the original game. Theyre such liars.
Right now, it's going to be an unlockable class through a questline similar in difficulty to the epic warlock mount at level 60.
When you create your DK, he will start somewhere between level 55-70, and can be any race.

They don't use mana/rage/energy. They use a system of "runes" inscribed on their weapons that are put on a cooldown when used to activate their abilities. They will be a DPS/Tank hybrid and will be able to tank with 2handers(which is the craziest idea imo, warriors will cry so much over this). basically tracks any info related to the death knight, and that is mostly what they've found out. Of course as the CM's have stated, most of this is subject to change.

Also, been waiting for Death Knights to be introduced since release. Played a Shadow Knight for years in EQ and I've just always been attracted to the whole unholy knight thing. I will definately buy the expansion and unlock/play one even if they suck as bad as Warlocks used to.

Last edited by Apokx; 08-09-2007 at 03:34 PM..
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