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Old 08-09-2007, 10:41 AM   #20 (permalink)
has all her shots.
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Location: Florida
Originally Posted by willravel
But socialism works when people are good overall. That's the thing. The tribesmen of the past weren't perfect little moral machines, living up to their ideals every second of every day. They made mistakes. The important thing was that they always remembered their responsibility to their family and their tribe. Is that so much to ask? Is it really so hard to say "if you see someone starving, don't just keep walking by"? If that's the case, if it really is too difficult for people to simply have a shred of empathy, then I'm moving to Mars and no one else is invited.
Well, you might want to buy your ticket to Mars early before the rush.

I don't believe that pure socialism can exist on the scale it would take to nourish whole societies as we have today in a manner consistent with what you envision. No, people don't have that much empathy. And I don't think the variety of political structure we live under really has anything to do with it. Nothing is stopping people, living in a capitalistic society, from being more selfless and altruistic - they just aren't. If we were to impose pure socialism on a Western capitalistic society you would absolutely see the phenomena that mirevolver is talking about in his posts. People crave individuality and self-determination, probably moreso in a global age when the individual can seem so small and insignificant. Therefore I think the only route to healthy, thriving societies is a mix of the two ideologies to measure and balance the the flaws inherent in each.

Granted these are only my own jaded observations. Ideals you might call them.
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
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